About emBODY

In the heart of the bustling world, where countless responsibilities often leave self-care on the backburner, emBODY was born. Our founder, a successful professional and a caring mother, found herself at the crossroads of demanding schedules and an inner call for a balanced life. She believed that every woman, like her, deserved to not just exist but to thrive. Out of this realization, emBODY Experience was birthed.

Our Journey

The emBODY Experience began as an ambitious vision - a vision to create a fitness solution tailored specifically for busy women, a fitness solution that seamlessly merges exercise, mindfulness, and energy healing. We set out to redefine fitness from a punishing regimen to an empowering journey, a journey where every woman could rediscover and celebrate herself. 


Our mission at emBODY is no less than a transformation, one life at a time. We aim to contribute to the world by creating holistic fitness tools that advance not just physical health, but mental and emotional wellbeing. We seek to provide a sanctuary amidst the chaos, a space where you can nurture yourself, connect with your true essence, and experience the joy of inner and outer strength.


Here at emBODY, we breathe our values every day

  • You are top of mind in everything that we create and everything we do. We aim to provide you with excellence and the highest standard of service.

  • We empower you to be the best version of yourself, to rise above limitations, and to elevate your performance in every sphere of life.

  • We believe in a balanced approach to fitness, one that nurtures not only your body but also your mind and spirit.

  • We foster a global community of women supporting and inspiring each other, sharing the highs and lows, and celebrating every victory together.

  • We promise to be real with you, to share the genuine, raw aspects of our journey, so you can trust you’re not alone in yours.

  • We make fitness fun, turning it from a chore to a joyous celebration of your body and your capabilities.

Join the emBODY Movement

Your journey to a greater you begins here and now. Are you ready to feel energized, empowered, and truly balanced? 

We invite you to join us.

Start your journey with a class, and experience the transformation first-hand. And when you're ready, join our global family of thriving women by subscribing monthly to the emBODY Experience.

What Customers Are Saying

  • Emily brings the heat and the good energy. I was able to sweat and go deep into mediation in less than an hour! My go-to in the morning before a busy day at work.

    Maria Sofia

  • I've taken hundreds of Pilates and Yoga classes in the past and this one just hits different. It's hard to explain but I just FEEL significantly more confident and on my A-game after our classes.

    Andrea S.

  • I was hesitant to sign up for another online program but this one is different. I actually look forward to this because I know it will be an efficient use of my time. I'm extremely busy so I have to chose my time wisely. I never regret taking an emBODY class.

    Marta Allen

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